2020年9月6日 — Tixati will actually connect to and torrent ones that for some reason uTorrent cannot find but all of them are VERY slow still, even the ones ...
2021年6月10日 — When installing Tixati onto a new computer, it seems to start to allocate files for about thirty minutes or higher before starting a download.
2021年4月9日 — A few months ago Tixati, for no apparent reason, started downloading slowly. I have a 1 Mbps download speed and Tixati won't go over about ...
2020年7月21日 — I notice that before i import the backup settings, everything is fast and crisp. But when i use import from backup, the UI slows down. Pressing ...
2020年11月18日 — There are many reason behind the slow download speed of downloading torrent files. First Of all,. you need to understand how torrent works. it ...
2020年12月21日 — Maybe throttled by your internet provider? Try using a VPN, I was throttling at 600kb/s then used Cloudflare and got back my usual 3-4mbps.
Tixati features both incoming and outgoing bandwidth throttles. It is generally not necessary to set the incoming bandwidth throttle, but all users should set ...